Daemon Maxwell

Welcome to the homepage for Daemon Maxwell, a writer nobody knows producing verbose works of fiction for which nobody asked.

Daemon Maxwell’s first novel, working title β€œResonance,” will be made available here for purchase in 2024. For now, everything on the site is free to read, just not to borrow. Have a look around. Have fun.

Between now and release, the following things will happen:

  1. A sample chapter from the book will be posted for the perusal of interested readers.

  2. Leading up to book release, the author will turn somersaults and make a bunch of noise online to alert the uninterested readers, every existing human, living and dead, that they don’t know yet about the book coming out.

  3. The book itself will be released, first in hard cover and then in paperback. Finally, an e-reader version will also be made available for purchase.

If you enjoy the website and/or have interest in the book, please sign up for the email list, skip the poetry, and maybe consider buying something someday. Enjoy!