Daemon Maxwell - Writer

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To Hunt or To Hold

Photo taken by Charles J. Sharp, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

The young man spends those idealistic days

in hunting an ideal for which to live.

A creature rare, believed transformative.

He seeks this mythic beast in all the ways.


Elusive natural beauty, unaware.

One wild, yet patient; soft, but also fierce.

Athletic, flowing curves with eyes that pierce.

She’s all as it should be, every hair.


The lesson learned and earned, only realized

through years of tears and heartache spent on nought:

Idea beasts cannot be kept nor caught.

They don’t exist: a fiction idealized.


I must admit, you’re less than my ideal,

which is more perfect than deserved, I feel.