Randomly Got Mad at Nazis

Vandalized Hmong Cultural Center in St. Paul, MN. The slogan is associated with a long-standing guerilla-tactic white-supremacist-yet-anarchist subculture in and around the Twin Cities, currently branded the “Patriot Front,” now daring to trust “law and order” to protect their fucking rallies.

The Twin Cities are great. Both of them. I’m so angry I didn’t know about all the fucking Nazis growing up.

Myotus, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

Randomly Got Mad at Nazis

‘Tis the season to kill a Nazi pig!

No war declared, would it be such a “crime”?

Looking around, now looks to be the time!

Before this mounting movement gets too big.

‘Tis the season to start a fucking fight!

Secret enemies, ever undeclared,

today, feel free to let beliefs be aired.

They stand up proud, step out into the light.

‘Tis the season to put bullshit aside;

always demographically divided,

individually overrided,

even as supremacists cease to hide.

Collectively, let’s use our fucking brains!

Let’s kill ‘em all before they’ve forged our chains.

Daemon Maxwell

Daemon Maxwell is a writer. He hates writing about himself in the third person.

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