Law & Order

La Belle et La Bête.

Henri Rousseau, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

When jealous man incarnate darkness turns

towards overpower versus receiving,

or when a sexy, evil countess burns

for a lovely boy she’s been deceiving.

When darkness of a sexual nature be,

no hero there, just an enabler,

those justice wanting settle for iced tea;

Those vengeance wanting: Elliot Stabler.

Detective Stabler, hero of our times!

He sees an evil, won’t do nothing real!

Dispense with words, no meaning lives in rhymes!

* a punch to the kidneys * “Yeah? HOW DID THAT FEEL?!?”

Perps are unDUNN DUNN; he’ll catch as catch can.

Detective Elliot Stabler: Our Man.

Daemon Maxwell

Daemon Maxwell is a writer. He hates writing about himself in the third person.

You can follow him on websites he hates, like Instagram or Facebook. He’d think it was way cooler if you signed up for his email list on this website. (scroll down)

To Hunt or To Hold


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