Daemon Maxwell - Writer

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Poetry? EWW

Nothing against poetry. I didn’t mean to do poetry. I didn’t want to do poetry. I didn’t set out to do poetry.

I promise I didn’t do this on purpose, but I need to do a little poetry for the book. Just a LITTLE, I promise. The story calls for it. However, now I’ve done some poetry, and poetry is hard and takes work, and when you’re done… if it isn’t exactly what you needed for, say, your BOOK…

It’s hard to just throw it away, that’s all I’m saying. One tends to fall in love with a couplet or quatrain and simply cannot let it be alone. Must surround it with friends. If you don’t like poetry, just don’t read it. I’m not really trying to be a poet; I leave that to the poets.

I don’t care, either way. So… here, I guess.