Death and Taxes

Derivative work: IconathonDerivative work: Capaccio, CC BY 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Death comes a-calling with coldness of heart.

A priest takes the lead (and gold) from the blest:

β€œThe Body of Christ, each Christian a part.

This Body of Christ is now laid to rest.”

Death’s best friend, the Church, is perched on Death’s right,

holding his breath while profusely sweating.

β€œThat soul is so young,” he drools with delight.

β€œFollow ME,” says he, his vows forgetting.

Death’s next friend, the State, asleep at Death’s left.

the people’s taxes already stolen.

She mumbles,

β€œTaxes for programs, not theft…

forget these Government members swollen…”

The Church and the State, genetically spliced.

Parasites on Host, the Body of Christ.

Daemon Maxwell

Daemon Maxwell is a writer. He hates writing about himself in the third person.

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Semi-Iambic Pentameter, WHAT?!?!?