Semi-Iambic Pentameter, WHAT?!?!?

The train track of life begins with a bend

about a mound around which you can’t see.

Path bent around a hill called Calvary.

Ride rigid rails and then you’ll see the end.


First stop, the caboose, stick you in the rear.

The engine, your destined destination.

Start with nothing. Move station to station.

Claw up to the front to finally steer.


Yet, you find as you continue ahead,

your view on the view never does improve.

You find you barely managed to move.

Last stop, the caboose; rides over, you’re dead.


One rides the rails, forgets to see the track.

Who laid it? I want my fucking life back.

Daemon Maxwell

Daemon Maxwell is a writer. He hates writing about himself in the third person.

You can follow him on websites he hates, like Instagram or Facebook. He’d think it was way cooler if you signed up for his email list on this website. (scroll down)

Death and Taxes


Baby Blue at the Seams