Spring Awakens

Thaw, Snow Banks.

Tom Thomson, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

I hate these muddy springtime season dawns,

as Spring awakens passions long submerged

beneath the tundra, chemically urged

by every breath of nature: breeding pawns.


And yet, these buried passions move in me

just as they prod my fellow man forlorn;

These people stumble, love-wracked, war-torn,

in search of something most will never see.


Fear not, for nature conquers hope as well

of ending nature’s bio-tyranny

to issue forth an endless symphony

of shrieking babes: new stock, fresh souls to sell.


The Spring inspires a soul to long harder.

Each Spring insists I become a martyr.

Daemon Maxwell

Daemon Maxwell is a writer. He hates writing about himself in the third person.

You can follow him on websites he hates, like Instagram or Facebook. He’d think it was way cooler if you signed up for his email list on this website. (scroll down)


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