Hope for the Future

James Petts from London, England, CC BY-SA 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

How does one miss what has never been seen?

A puzzle sans one piece is never done.

A picture can be seen but never won.

A preconceited fate. Nothing but air.


And no such thing as destiny can be!

To be a thing must also have a chance

at incarnation; truth must join the dance!

And so, such lofty concepts aren’t for me.


Each spring anew a sprout may root, grow tall;

The key is what will makes of precious time

to stand up tall upon an earth sublime.

To see it all before the winter’s fall.


How does one miss something you’d never see?

In hoping for the shape of things to be.

Daemon Maxwell

Daemon Maxwell is a writer. He hates writing about himself in the third person.

You can follow him on websites he hates, like Instagram or Facebook. He’d think it was way cooler if you signed up for his email list on this website. (scroll down)


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